Fusion Fall Legacy Wikia

Time Squad is a series following the adventures of Officer Buck Tuddrussel, his robot partner Larry 3000, and Otto Osworth, the orphan boy from the past, as they travel through time to make sure the timeline of history remains in balance and that nothing happens to change or affect the future. They deal with famous people like Amelia Earhart, Napoleon, Harry Houdini, and other historical figures in their missions and arrest those who dare threaten the timeline. As Tuddrussel and Larry were often incompetent at their jobs, Otto would usually come up with a solution to help the historical character complete their part in history.

Representation in FusionFall Legacy[]

The extent of the representation of Time Squad in FusionFall Legacy is currently unknown.

Time Squad NPCs
Icon Name Location
Larry icon
Larry 3000 Goat's Junk Yard
Buck icon
Buck TBA
NPC Placeholder
Otto TBA